Our Team

Cafe et Conversation Our Team

Jeff Koterba

C&C Host and Founder
General Conversation at All Levels 

I first fell in love with French culture when a grade school teacher showed our class the short film, The Red Balloon (it’s available on YouTube). Although the film included little dialogue, I was hooked and would begin a lifelong love affair with French films. 

Still, I’d always had the false belief that I wasn’t someone who could learn another language. 

And then, in 2016 I was invited to attend a cartooning salon in France. The festival is held in a small town three hours south of Paris and many of the locals don’t speak English. So once and for all, about five years ago, I decided to jump in. 

I’ve since taken many classes with Alliance Française Omaha and have used many apps, as well. Indeed, I do a little freelance illustrating for the app, FrenchToday. It was early in my French-learning journey that I made contact with Charlie from the popular YouTube channel, Street French. It was at Charlie’s urging that I launched Café et Conversation – Omaha five years ago. 

Alicia Jaunty

C&C Host and Head Organizer
General Conversation at All Levels 

Hi, I’m Alicia! My French journey started in college, where I studied it along with Spanish and Linguistics. 

I spent a few months in Montreal in 2017 and that’s where I really fell in love with the French language. I try to go back to Quebec every few years. 

Besides French, I study Spanish, German, Catalan, and Ukranian. I also love cooking, traveling, playing tennis and watching sports (mainly rugby, hockey and baseball these days).

Gene Williams

C&C Host General Conversation at All Levels

Bonjour! C’est moi: I’ve been enjoying learning French for 6 years, and you’d think I’d be fluent by now! Ouais! Let’s just say it’s a work in progress, but I really enjoy it especially when I (successfully) have a pleasant, coherent, and thoughtful conversation with my fellow francophones. 

I love to travel, having been to Europe several times with more trips planned. When there, I most enjoy conversing with native Francophones if possible. And here’s how I got to Omaha: in 1981, I won the 2nd clarinet job with the Omaha Symphony. Did that for 7 years, then joined OPS as a band director, which I continued for 27 years in total. 

Now retired from OPS, I continue playing clarinet in the Lincoln & Omaha Symphonies, the Lakeside Summer Chautauqua in Lakeside, OH, and substitute teaching in Elkhorn. When not practicing clarinet or French, you’ll find me on the golf course (please don’t call me there☺).

And just to mix it up, I even play a little polka music most years at the German American Society’s Oktoberfest. 

I’m married to Janet, my favorite Omaha Symphonic Chorus chorister and Omaha Dancing Grannie. We’re proud parents of Maggie, our favorite Hy-Vee employee as a Purchasing Assistant at their headquarters. She and her husband Wade live in Altoona, IA, with their awesome pit bull, Hercules.

Dennis Vaughn

C&C Host Specializing in Beginner French

I’ve been a member of Café et Converstion—Omaha and Alliance Francaise Omaha for three years now. I’ve always been interested in all things French. A few years ago I learned that some of my ancestors came from France. Lifestyle, culture, art, cuisine, and language are all things that interest me—especially the cuisine! 

Cooking has been a real passion for me me during the last 25 years. If I see something on a menu I’ve never tried, that’s my choice.

I hate to admit this, but I find myself responding to cashiers or servers in French. My goal is to be able to speak and understand French conversation more fluently.

Kristi Molina

C&C Host
Special Events

I’m originally from North Dakota, but have spent the last 29 years teaching Spanish in Lincoln, Nebraska. 

I fell in love with foreign languages in my first language exploratory class in 6th grade. 

I’ve always wanted to speak a bunch of languages, but didn’t buckle down and get serious with French until I had all that extra time on my hands during Covid. I found this C&C group and dove in without reservation to reach my goal of speaking French as fast as I could. 

I love learning and speaking languages, and I also love doing fun and unique things, which is why I try to plan a few new and different activities for C&C when I can. 

I’m also blessed to have had the opportunity to immerse myself in French culture a few times to really try to wrap my head around this language.